
Friday, February 22, 2013


Semi-entertaining story here...So last night I worked until about 9:00, then after that Swizzle+Sparkle and I went to IN-N-OUT with a few other friends. After that we all went to their apartment, and basically just watched ridiculous YouTube videos until like 12:30 or something, then everyone left and I left soon after. The problem became apparent only after walking back to my apartment and arriving at the door...MY KEYS WERE NOT IN MY POCKET. First I called my roommate, but he was out of town for the night, not coming back until today around 3:00, he said. I promptly turned around and walked back to Swizzle+Sparkle's place, and told them my keys were missing.

I assumed for the most part that I must've left them inside my apartment when I left for work earlier after changing too quickly into my work clothes (though in 3 years I have only once left them inside, so that still seemed odd). It was possible, however, that they had at some point in the night fallen out of my pants pocket, because my khakis have fairly shallow pockets and when I'm sitting down stuff does tend to sprout legs and run away. We checked in the cushions of Swizzle+Sparkle's new couch, but they are not removable cushions and we didn't feel my keys in between any of them so they couldn't have been there. The only other places they could've fallen out were the chair I sat in at work, the chair at IN-N-OUT, or the seat my friend's car in which I rode to IN-N-OUT. My friend had already driven back home and gone to sleep so she wouldn't see my message asking to check her car until morning, I figured I wasn't sitting long enough at IN-N-OUT to go check, and I wouldn't be able to get back into that room at work until today. So I crashed at Swizzle+Sparkle's place for the night. Luckily I had no classes today because they were cancelled ^_^

Here's where it gets dumb... :P Swizzle went to class early in the morning, but Sparkle and I both stayed asleep until around noon I think because neither of us had classes. Then Swizzle came back home and played some Halo with me until his next class. When he sat down on the couch we heard a distinct jingle come from somewhere behind us (the couch is completely against the wall). I said briefly "Did you hear that? Caaaause it sorta sounded like keys" but we quickly dismissed that idea, partly because it seemed impossible that they were anywhere under the couch since the cushions are not removable, and partly because our game was about to start lol. Then he left for class again, and I got called to go help someone at work briefly so I had to go too even though I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday still. I checked all around that chair at work and my keys were not there, so naturally they had to be in my apartment. Well, I got back to Swizzle+Sparkle's apartment around 2:00 and had thought on the way over that I really should check the couch one more time. So I put my hand between the cushion and the end of the couch where I had been sitting, and OMG, there was a hole in the fabric seam right there that went right through to the bottom of the couch! I put my hand under the couch and bounced the fabric a little bit, and surrrre enough, jingle jingle. So to make the story of the struggles of retrieving my keys out of there short, Sparkle used her small hand to reach down and grab them. Aaaaand I had my keys back. From the one place they surely couldn't have been. -__- I have to thank Swizzle+Sparkle greatly for letting me crash there and eat breakfast...

Anyway! That's my story for today! Now I have to do a bit of tidying up the final touches of my apartment before a friend comes over this fine evening, so TTFN!

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