
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I like

good days like today :) Despite spending altogether far too long working on homework for my theory class, and not practicing as much as I needed to, I ended up feeling like today was a really great day, and I feel like my life could be not as bad as I sometimes think. Well, I know it isn't actually all that bad; I just whine a lot :P

But really, right now my hopes for the future are high, and I thought it would be nice to share that.

If a particular someone is reading this, then perhaps that particular person will be able to figure out that she is one reason why I am happy today :) I hope that continues!

It looks like I might actually get to bed at a (relatively -__-) reasonable time tonight if I shower now and go to sleep. I did not yet look at the conducting excerpt we are supposed to work on tomorrow in class, but....ehhhhh. Lol.

Ah! I freaking LOVE days on which I feel productive and awesome even when I wasn't actually productive! Go, me! Winning at life and all. For now. :P Aaaaand there's the late night hyperness, oh joy.


EDIT: On a somewhat unrelated note, I remembered I was going to briefly mention the fact that I think I realized today, the level of cuteness a girl possesses seems to be much more important in my attraction to her than the level of hotness. I mean that sincerely. I mean if a girl's got both then great ;) but I often find myself much more attracted to women that can be cute and silly than to women who just have stunning looks going for them. And I don't mean that I think physically attractive women aren't cute, or that cute women aren't physically attractive. I guess I'm trying to say that, in the popular sense of the term physically attractive, I don't necessarily gravitate toward "hot" women as much. It seems that when I start getting to know a girl and I think that her personality is really cute and fun, it actually literally makes her look more beautiful than other girls, in my opinion. If that's the case, then I suppose it actually would sort of render my opinion of physical attractiveness somewhat moot, since it isn't an objective opinion, but one very influenced by emotions and the like. This is very difficult to properly wrap words around and explain, lol. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? That sort of grasps the concept, but I feel like there's an opposing connotation to that that suggests that some women are less attractive than others, and only look more attractive to specific people. I dunno, this is getting way off course haha. Everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way. There!

This does seem like an important facet of myself about which to have learned, and it does seem to explain a few things ^_^

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