
Monday, March 25, 2013

Comfortable Hugs

She shall remain unnamed, because I'm sure she doesn't want me telling everyone all about this, haha. I just wanted to share this little anecdote with all of you who read, though, it's a pretty quick story (for once). Got a text message from my friend today, telling me that the last hug I gave her was "actually really comfortable. not bad" hahaha. I don't remember the last time anyone complimented me on my hugging abilities, if anyone ever actually has at all! :P No, wait...I think it may have been in my freshman or sophomore year of high school, my friend told me I gave the best hugs ever...except that was because I gave her a back massage when she hugged me rofl. I guess that's pretty different. Oh! there was someone else in high school who used to give me power-hugs, which started when we were in Italy and she got lost with her friend when the whole group was supposed to meet up for dinner, and I went to find her. Lol. that was really funny. Ok who am I kidding...I hug all my friends, I'm sure plenty of people have told me over the years that I give good hugs :) Or, I'll keep telling myself that, in any case...

K! So hugs. Yup. Lol. Figured I would cap off this night with a blog post, it's been a while since I wrote. I have been really busy this week actually, I had to perform in my friend's senior recital hearing on Friday, so we rehearsed for that several times through the week. I attended a concert on Friday night as well, got to hang out with MBD a little bit beforehand, and we wrote ridiculous notes to each other during the concert (we were sitting next to each other). That was a very amazing concert, by the way. Our violin instructor performed some duet stuff with a guest alumna violinist, and they each also performed some solo stuff as well. I will refrain from getting into my full music critiquing, but try to condense my opinions into a few sentences. I very much enjoyed our professor's playing. More so than the guest artist. She was fantastic, no doubt, and played some very technical pieces. However, it just seemed like she was a bit devoid of emotions throughout the concert, while our professor was very clearly loving every minute of the concert, and was very involved, if you will, with his sounds and those of the other performers. He is fantastic. Even at one point when he completely screwed up some harmonics in a very delicate piece, it didn't even bother me, because it fit the mood of the piece, haha. Anyway.

I also had rehearsals this week for Sparkle's senior recital, in which I will be performing in a quartet piece. I have all the movements down pat except the last one, which has a couple 16th note runs I need to work on just a little bit more. Her hearing is this coming Tuesday. She's freaking out about it because she doesn't think she's ready. I don't think she realizes that the level of musicianship here unfortunately isn't all that high and that makes it easier than one might think to pass one's recital hearing. Meh. Let's see...

Ohhhhh yeah. So work this weekend....jeez that was terrible. I mean, I shouldn't complain too much, I made quite a bit of extra money, relatively, for working long positions yesterday and today. But, man...outside events that happen in our hall at the music department are always SO UNORGANIZED. I mean come on. So the event yesterday got moved into our hall ON FRIDAY, no joke. One day's notice, and I just happened to be sitting in the lobby when the secretary came out looking for anyone who works in tech pool, so I was like fiiiine I'll get up early to make more money. It was just me and the sound guy working that event, and we seriously had to do pretty much nothing the whole time. And it was incredibly boring. And then everyone left without telling us they were done, so we sat around for a while before deciding it was time to just lock up and go home, lol. Then today...Bigger event, lots of "bigwigs" in attendance, very famous guest speaker, etc...So the people scheduled to work were: two ushers, to make sure no food was brought into the hall, hand out programs, etc.; me, working backstage if necessary, and being the main contact between us and the people heading the event; one guy doing live sound/video recording; and one guy doing audio recording. Sooo, the recording engineer and live sound engineer were supposed to be there a half hour earlier than the rest of us, to make sure the mics were set up or torn down whichever was necessary, and get the lights programmed properly, and set up the video camera, and make sure the projector was working, you get the idea. Swizzle was there on time (as live sound guy), but the other guy didn't show. In fact he didn't show until about 20 minutes before the event ended. So what this means is that Swizzle had to do the whole setup of the tech stuff in the hall himself, and then during the event he was running the camera, live sound, and audio recording all himself (the rest of us have no training for any of the audio tech stuff, it's a separate job) because none of the other audio engineers were available to help. I ended up helping Swizzle with mic leveling during the event, which I'm sure was a little bit of relief for him, but he was super stressed, haha. The event was a success though. Just really frustrating. Those people did NOT understand how to talk into a microphone either, God Dammit.

Whoa. This got long. My bad! You'll just have to deal. Or maybe you're some kind of stalker who soaks all this up and basks in that was really a super creepy description. Hahaha Okayyyy time to log off, me...

TTFN! Looking forward to this week and the bright new possibilities it may bring me :)

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