
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Excitement! Mystery! Intrigue!

Well, sort of...But I figure it's time to write me up anudder wunna deez.... <--- What? Why did I think it was a good idea to type that way?............

Sooooooooo things have progressed right along with Bee! A part of me was truthfully surprised that things actually started working out. She just seemed like the kind of girl who would've never been interested in me, but here we are!

We have been hanging out pretty regularly for the past...two weeks, ish, or so? I guess more like three weeks. And talking and stuff. And then this past Sunday we went on a real, official, first date :) Just the basics, we went to dinner and a movie, which was totally fine by me. The movie was HYAMASZINGH, and we held hands and it was cute :P (I'm omitting some small details which I might not normally omit, because those of you who don't know who Bee is are not supposed to find out yet, and you might put clues together!).

Well I guess there's not that much else to say about the date itself. It was really really fun and enjoyable, and I am definitely looking forward to our next one (which is tentatively planned at this point). I think things are going to continue proceeding really well, and that makes me really happy :)

She's a really wonderful woman. Ok I picked one feature of her to talk about, just now, so that I don't just suddenly flood this post with a million tiny reasons why she's awesome...haha. Her eyes. They are amazing! I haven't quite gotten a really good close look at them yet, but they are basically a light blue-ish color in the center of the iris, and on the outside they have a darker circle of blue (ish) all the way around! It's so cool. It's like...those spinning spiral pictures that aren't actually spinning...sort of like that but wayyy better. Super super pretty :)

Ok. I shall be done talking for now. Mrrrrrr sleep is dumb....Doctor Whooooooooooooooo! :DDDD


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