
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New friends!

So I've been continuing my extension into the more social aspect of college life and it has still been rewarding so far. Last Saturday night I stayed up until about 4:30, with several "new" friends at their house, and it was wayyyyy fun! The only weird down-ish side is that I'm beginning to enjoy the company of all these people and then I look back at the past four years of my life and wonder why I've never become friends with these people before.

Well, I know the answer, really. I gave myself completely to Dove. I don't regret that. And the next time I get into a serious relationship, I will again fully give myself to whomever it may be. But this next time I'll be able to do it with slightly more wisdom, I'd like to think. We shall see.

Speaking of relationships, things didn't pan out in that way with Thorn, nor with Shrink. I am now just close friends with both of them, and generally everyone is happy. Lol. And, hey, guess what, there's yet another new interest....I guess I am kinda on a roll, huh? Well, if I am, then I wish I weren't. I'd prefer to find a good one and stop there. But I suppose it's at least a little bit good that I'm not having attachment issues with each new potential interest, the way I would've pre-Dove. This new interest, I shall call her....Bee. Hmmm...yeah, what the heck. If she reads this blog then she'll probably get that reference and realize I'm talking about her, and as far as I know, she hasn't yet realized I'm interested. Though that is likely to change tomorrow. If things go as planned. MWAHAHAHAHA. Ahem. Excuse me, there. But I don't think that she will read this post, or that she even knows I write a blog. Perhaps I'll tell her, as part of my evil plan! Nahhhh.

Anyway. Bee. Hmmm....I'm kind of too tired to describe her much, but she's also sort of one of these "new friend" types that I'm just starting to get to know, and it happens that I'm feeling an interest further than friendship in her. Based on our interactions so far, I'd (objectively) say it's plausible that she is interested in me as well, but it's also just as plausible that the signs I'm taking as an interest really are just gestures of wanting to become really good friends. Soooo it's that kind of situation, right now. Which is a little bit frustrating. But weeee shall see what happens tomorrow, if anything....those of you reading who already know about this person, I bet you can't even guess what my "plan" is. Hehe. It's pretty simple really. But you'll find out soon enough. If it turns out she holds no interest in me whatsoever I might be a bit disappointed about putting the...effort into my simple plan that I did, but oh well. Life is about risk! Yeah! Wish me luck in my endeavors!!

Ohhhh it's probably time to sleep. Conducting in the morning YESSS so much FUN wait, that's wrong NAHT FUHN mhmmm sleepy time.


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