
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Spontaneous Connections

I planned to write this post much much earlier today (or yesterday, if you're counting the hours) with that title, and I am pretty sure I had a good plan laid out in my head for what I would say. Then BAM, struck in the brain by a new thing...Hahaha, I'm sure that sounded wonderful. I mean mentally.

I'll explain the previous point of the title first. I've realized today that I think spontaneous connections are extremely important in my life. And by spontaneous connections, I mean making a new connection with a person, be it on a friend level, acquaintance level, or something else. In this particular instance I am mostly specifically referring to suddenly becoming friends with people I have known for a while but was never friends with before. This has happened quite a few times in the past few months. I've made at least three new friends, ranging from pretty good to excellent. All of them are people I have basically been in school with for 4 years, but for some reason, until now (ish), I never really desired to be friends with them.

The reason this is important is because I think that every time this happens, it is marking a significant change within my mental state, or outlook on life. Some may argue that it is entirely circumstantial, that I still wouldn't be friends with those people had not the exact right combination of events occurred; however, I would argue that, while perhaps it was a specially specific combination of events that led to new friendship, those events couldn't have happened that way had I not had a change occur within me. I haven't exactly figured out what really might be changing, but it just feels right to me, that this is the explanation. How else could I "know of" someone for 4 years, be a student/colleague with them, and literally almost never speak to them any more than in passing, and then suddenly find myself becoming good friends with them, and really enjoying that friendship? I'm not totally sure. It could be something else. But I have liked pondering this thought today. I like entertaining the thought that some small parts of me have changed in such a way that it allows me to make new friends suddenly, out of the blue.

Somewhat related, and the cause of the aforementioned "BAM," is what just happened to me a few hours ago. Hmm....I won't go into details for now. But I had a very unexpected exchange of words with a completely unexpected person. It could be the start of a spontaneous connection. If that is the case, this could lead on to things I was not expecting from that direction at all. This idea, I like! I really really do enjoy having life just slap me in the face and say, "HEY! Wake up, bozo, it's over here, not over there."

I still need to think a lot about what I'm going to do, but suffice to say, my life is very interesting right now! :) I am mostly hoping I don't get stuck on one of the conflicts on which I'm expecting to get stuck. Because that won't be a fun hurdle.

Any-Who.....OMG Doctor Who 50th is in...70 days! SO EXCITED.

TTFN folks!!

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